Artist Statement

by Jan Kobe

As an artist, I received a Bachelor of Fine Art in Illustration from the University of Kansas. Then I was honored to be on staff as an artist for Hallmark Cards in Kansas City, Missouri. My career took on a different path when I transferred to San Francisco, California to again paint in a satellite studio with Hallmark.

After five golden years of painting greeting cards, I wanted at this point in my career to paint my own ideas. I now paint primarily women and children in idealized settings surrounded with flora and fauna of found objects from nature.

I paint from early childhood memories of gentler times with my portraits. I grew up in the rural parts of Wyandotte County, Kansas that has made a lasting impression on my artistic expression as I reflect woodland nature surroundings. You will only find positive moods and pastel lightness to my compositions of a good world of times gone by.

I believe that all who define themselves as an artist paint from an internal flow of mood and emotion. As painters we just seem to easily think out loud with canvas, paint, brushes and a little bit of water! Enjoy a corner of my world as represented in my paintings.

Contact Jan for commissions or prints at (913) 671-7125 or email her at